It's Monday! I received one letter last week. One very precious letter from a very precious child.
The letter was from Katherine in Nicaragua!
In the past, Nicaragua has not had a reciprocal letter writing program, so that means that the children write regular letters (3-4 times a year) but don't necessarily immediately (once a month) reply to every letter they receive. During my advocate training we were told that Compassion is working to implement reciprocal programs in all countries in the future. I'm so glad!
Here is Katherine's letter (written on Oct. 12 and received by me on Nov. 3... fastest one so far):
Hello dear and esteemed sponsor Jennifer!
May God shower rich and abundant blessings on you and your whole family. Thanks to my Lord, I'm in very good health. I'm very happy because you have sent me letters which I read and really liked! I've received all your letters. I'm going to answer your questions. I have no hens at my house, but some neighbors have hens at their houses. I'm doing very well at school. I want to pass my school year and pass to another grade. I feel that this year is passing by very fast and I feel that I'm growing. I'm attending the [Compassion] project. Everyday, we are taught new things and the most important thing is that they don't stop teaching about the word of God. I want to tell you that we'll celebrate the anniversary of the project. It has a lot of years of functioning and there are new children who were just admitted. I'm very happy to write to you and that you'll receive this letter. I'm always praying for you. Thank you for always caring about me. I love you so much and I want that you pray for me. May my God bless you! Do you like animals?
What a sweet girl she is! I love receiving her letters. She drew a lovely picture for us with the caption "I give you my heart" and then quoted Genesis 1:1... In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth... which just happened to be one of Super-Beautiful's verses at AWANA this past week ;-) Coincidence? I think not!