One Thousand Gifts

Here's my list... I started it on January 1, 2011

  1. waking up in my own bed
  2. a husband who does laundry
  3. so many material blessings that constantly need reorganizing
  4. rain (in January) that makes puddles for gleeful children to jump in 
  5. leftover turkey soup and tuna melts
  6. finding the first prophecy of the Lord Jesus in Genesis 3:15
  7. Sunday mornings
  8. Mom's meatballs and rice
  9. afternoon naps
  10. a daughter who calls me beautiful
  11. Enoch walked with God and was not
  12. a fresh start and a clean room
  13. rainbows
  14. walks with visual scavenger hunts
  15. working out
  16. masterful scaffolds of pillows and baskets made by a little boy desperate to reach something
  17. not paying $90 for 3 chicken breasts
  18. writing letters to dear children
  19. thirty minute naps to recharge
  20. wonderful blogs, both spiritual and financial
  21. MOPS!!!
  22. P90 with hubby
  23. coupons
  24. God's holy and living word
  25. going to the mailbox and finding that cream envelope from Compassion that says "Message from your Sponsor Child"
  26. first letter from Allan
  27. a land of plenty
  28. Ben's face when watching Peep
  29. remembering the Lord Jesus with believers
  30. Sunday afternoons
  31. digging into the Word
  32. alone time
  33. successful days
  34. Loury from Haiti
  35. 2 hour family walks on Saturdays with friends
  36. sending letters to sponsor children
  37. verse challenge with Anna and the Siestas
  38. But our God is in the heavens, He does all that He pleases.  Ps 115:3
  39. my neighborhood and neighbours
  40. birthday parties full of laughs
  41. every good and perfect gift
  42. sunshine and 6C/43F in January
  43. being made for more than food cravings
  44. playdates
  45. lovely cups of tea
  46. a child's simple delight in a balloon
  47. raspberries on tummies and ensuing giggles
  48. Therefore, we make it our aim, whether present or absent, to be well pleasing to Him.  2 Cor 5:9
  49. prayer phone calls with Margaret
  50. Becky!
  51. studying Covenant
  52. sharing fresh bread with others
  53. a husband who loves me
  54. "really" talking with my mom
  55. love & marriage
  56. playing Blokus after the kids are in bed
  57. the Boy's mad dance skills to the closing credits of "Finding Nemo"
  58. "quiet" times that aren't really quiet... the sounds of life
  59. getting books in the mail
  60. God who is sovereign
  61. stitches on a wedding quilt made with love, all by hand
  62. flax seeds
  63. Maria
  64. Tania
  65. Allan
  66. Camilo
  67. Katherine
  68. Loury
  69. Brent's job
  70. knowing God will provide
  71. dentist appointments that require early morning snuggles with the Girl
  72. a grumbling tummy to help me relate to my daughter and my sponsor children
  73. piles of laundry, which means we have an abundance of clothes
  74. computers that allow us to talk to and with friends and family
  75. friends to watch the Boy... Katie & Cameron
  76. Elizabeth for support at the dentist's office
  77. Ann's challenge to make this list
  78. good dentists
  79. insurance and an emergency fund
  80. Loury's photo and info packet arriving
  81. I am married to Super Awesome!
  82. a deposit by the CRA... nothing short of miraculous
  83. monthly girls' movie night
  84. providential connections discovered
  85. a gentle, caring doctor who is good with sick little boys
  86. holding little Sophia
  87. sharing a meal with Sophia's parents and brother
  88. learning more about the Lord's covenants
  89. having a quiet time to write to sponsor children
  90. AWANA
  91. having the means to assemble goodies for sponsor children
  92. a husband who gets up in the night with a sick child
  93. an army of leaf blowers on February 1... when we're more used to snow blowers :)
  94. warm sunshine on my back as I study God's word  (it's usually dark when I do this).
  95. a clean kitchen, for the moment
  96. napping children
  97. getting some letters into the mailbox on time
  98. neighbors who allow you to use their mailbox for that last letter that didn't quite make it in time
  99. tea straight from India, and the friend who brought it
  100. excitement for my family's visit at the end of February, D. V.

1 comment:

  1. I felt honored to be on your list :)

